Pastor Jimmy & Carolyn Crawford

In November 2004, I received a call from Deacon R.W. Norris, whom asked if I would come help fill in the pulpit at Bethel. At the time, I was serving my church in Lovington as an ordained deacon, Sunday school teacher, Gideon, and would fill in the pulpit for several churches in Lea County. I was also a husband, father to three young boys, a high school teacher, varsity tennis coach, and football referee. I told R.W. that I would help fill in the pulpit at Bethel, but I also tried to refer him to another man that had more preaching experience than me. He said, “the Lord gave me your name not his.” Little did I know that this decision would change my life and Bethel’s life forever.
In the beginning I would teach my Sunday school class of 20 in Lovington, gather my family, and drive the 22 miles to Bethel just in time to get there to deliver the sermon to about 16 people. I did this for about a year as Bethel was searching for a pastor. All the while I was continually being asked if I would like to be Bethel’s full time pastor. I would always smile and give the same “I don’t think I’m being called ” answer. You see, as a pulpit supply pastor, you get asked this same question every time you fill in at a pastorless church. I was used to the question and had my response well rehearsed. After about 6 months, I told the deacons that I would become their interim for one year. This was done after Deacon Doyce Cook caught me in the foyer and said to me, “Bro. Jimmy, have you prayed about being the pastor here at Bethel?” I kind of sputtered and said, “I’ve prayed.” He stopped me and continued, “Have you really (drawing that word out for emphasis) prayed about it?” I responded, “I guess I haven’t really (drawing the word out again) prayed about it but will.” During this interim year, I was receiving resumes for pastors that were interested in serving at Bethel, but they all had something in common. They were retired pastors that were at the end of their ministry. I felt that Bethel needed a younger pastor at that particular time. Bethel was a hurting church with a rapidly declining congregation and needed younger people.
During that summer my wife Carolyn asked me about Vacation Bible School. People at the church said that they hadn’t had VBS in about 5 years. Carolyn and I began to go to work on putting one together. What the church didn’t know was during this same time, we had been praying about me stepping down as pastor, yet still attending church at Bethel. We loved the people, but I had so much on my plate I didn't feel like I could adequately serve the church. Meanwhile, God had something else in mind. Vacation Bible School was a huge success! We had 12 kids with 2 making decisions to follow Christ! Keep in mind that my three kids and a couple of others were about the only ones that were attending regularly, so 12 kids was outstanding. After the last night of VBS, I was walking out to my mailbox at home and was looking up at all the stars in the sky. I began to talk to God and was conflicted. I began to reflect on my intention to step down out of the pulpit when God spoke to me plain as day. He said, “You asked me to use you for My service and now you’re going to walk away from Me?” I was humbled and didn’t have anything to say. I spent some time with God but didn’t mention this to my wife. The next Sunday, while driving to church, Carolyn looked at me in the car and said, “You know I think we can take the church.” This was the affirmation I needed. I began to cry. I had a lot of emotions going through my mind. I thought to myself, if I had God and my family on my side, what more can a man need? I approached the deacons that day and said, “If you’ll have me, I’ll be your pastor; but I’m going to need some help.” Bethel called a special business meeting that evening, and the church unanimously voted to call me as their pastor.
So many amazing things have happened during my time at Bethel. I have had the privilege of leading a devoted congregation that truly loves each other and loves the Lord. We have seen our worship services grow to upwards of 120 people, and have had over 80 come forward for believer’s baptism. Our knowledge of the scriptures has deepened as we continue to walk closer with the Lord. I have witnessed spiritual growth in individuals and lives being changed daily. I get excited when I frequently see people stepping out to serve at Bethel. We have made a difference in our world, but there is still more work to be done. Let’s be diligent in sharing the Gospel and living out our witness. God is counting on you. Let’s be real Christians in the real world!
In His service,
Pastor Jimmy Crawford